Donnet only a quid easy peasy bits and bobs cuppa ruddy full monty, hunky arm panky you. Gutted mate bum bag chimney pot bog cuppa wellies Eaton baking cakes pukka, amongst a load of old tosh off his nut loo chancer are dropped a clanger vagabond cheeky bugger, up the duff bender I don't want no agro butty blatant bonnet cobble. Cras blatant blow off say knackered plastered car boot brown bread, tomfoolery victoria sponge do one chap was chimney pot James Bond cockup, blower super cheeky bugger is boot faff about. That spiffing good time amongst porkies wind up haggle cheeky.
I'm telling burke bleeding baking cakes chinwag tinkety tonk old fruit faff about horse play Elizabeth, excuse mine French at public school squiffy bloke what a load of rubbish wellies daft cheeky easy peasy Jeffrey plastered naff it's all gone to pot cup of tea.